Bible Studies
We offer Bible studies throughout the year, led either by Pastor Lisa or Pastor Bruce. Some of the studies are in-depth explorations of a book of the Bible, while others are more topical. We also offer Bible studies immediately following our Advent and Lent services.​
Ice Cream Social
Every June, our church women cook up some delicious Italian beef and barbecued beef sandwiches, along with homemade pies and other delicious side dishes. And of course, ICE CREAM! All proceeds from the meal are donated to various charitable causes.
St. John's Lutheran Church Outreach and Ministries
Members of our congregation are active in outreach and missions to share God's Word and support our community.
Vacation Bible School
Every summer, in conjunction with our sister church, Trinity Lutheran in Derinda, we offer Vacation Bible School on their campus. This year, we will learn about how God made each of us wonderfully different using a program called Weird Animals. The VBS is always free and open to the public. Call the pastors for more information.